World Maker Faire New York 2012

Parenting Young Makers


Come join a discussion about parenting young makers. A panel of parents will share stories, challenges, and advice. We look forward to hearing from you about your experiences encouraging the young makers in your life!

Presenting here:

Project photo.

About the Maker(s)

Marie Bjerede

Marie Bjerede

Founder - e-Mergents

Marie Bjerede is a #makermom, citizen advocate for education transformation, and recovering high-tech executive. She runs education and technology projects that explore student ownership of their own learning - including organizing a group of young makers in the West Linn, OR area who sew soft circuits and design wearable electronics.

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James Todd

James Todd


James is a work from home father of 4 kids who loves to tinker and make things with all of them. When he's not working or saving the planet, he's helping his oldest daughter "Super-Awesome" Sylvia make her online DIY webshow at

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Julie Hudy

Julie Hudy


Julie Hudy, the inaugural "Maker Mom" is the proud mother of young Maker, Joe Hudy, and her creative teen daughter, Elizabeth. Julie enjoys networking with her Maker friends and supporting the inventive spirit of our youth. Earlier this year Julie and her husband had the privilege of taking their son, Joe, to the White House Science Fair. Julie enjoys crafting, origami, and attending Maker Faires.


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