Maker Faire New York 2011 Topic(s): Engineering

Add Twitter Feeds to any TV!

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Presenting here:

Add twitter feeds to your TV! Introducing an open hardware platform consisting of an 800 MHz wifi linux computer running Webkit, with an FPGA that composites web content over most HD video sources, such as game consoles, DVD players, PVRs...

About the Maker(s)

Bunnie Huang

Bunnie Huang

bunnie loves hardware. He loves to make it, and to break it; he loves the smell of it. His passion for hardware began in elementary school, and since then he has garnered a PhD at MIT in EE, and has designed nanophotonic silicon chips, wireless radios, consumer electronics, robotic submarines, and other things. He believes hardware is delightful in part because there are no secrets in hardware; you just need a better microscope. Likewise, he is a proponent of open source hardware, and is an active contributor to the ecosystem. His most recent startup was chumby, where he designed several open source hardware platforms, some of which had found its way to the shelves of retailers around the world.


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