Maker Faire New York 2011 Topic(s): Science

DIYbio at Genspace NYC

Presenting here:

  • PCR and DNA Barcoding
    Health 2.0 Sunday 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Presenting here:

  • PCR and DNA Barcoding
    Health 2.0 Sunday 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Extract DNA and barcode life with PCR, or explore your genome. Genetically-engineered organisms on display. Design potential new life forms in silico. Build a gel electrophoresis box to separate dyes and sort DNA into different length pieces.

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About the Maker(s)

Genspace NYC

Genspace NYC is a community biotechnology laboratory located in Brooklyn, New York. We are an independent nonprofit organization that promotes synthetic biology and DIYbiotech in two ways. Firstly, we enable students, hobbyists, and citizen scientists to participate by providing a fully-equipped communal lab space, and secondly we engage the public through education and outreach. We were founded in 2009 and opened our labspace to the public in December 2010.

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