Maker Faire Detroit 2011

Can Etsy Hack Hardware?

The player stands before a 2-by-3-foot game pad with a flatscreen monitor at eye level. In her hands, she holds a giant sparkly foam mallet. Robots, kittens and mustaches fly by, colored lights flash, and bells ring as the player hammers enthusiastically at the game pad. Will she beat the clock? Come learn how Etsy coded, soldered and sewed together a new way for Maker Faire visitors to interact with Etsy's marketplace of over 9.5 million handmade, vintage and crafting supply items. We'll talk about how to build an input device using the Arduino microcontroller, how to marry a piece of hardware to a software API, and how to pull it all together using the programming language Processing. What is Etsy? Etsy is an online marketplace for handmade goods, vintage items and craft supplies. The Etsy community offers millions of unique items from sellers in more than 150 countries. We connect shoppers with independent creators and designers to find inspiring handmade goods, while providing artists and makers a platform on which to build their own businesses.


Project photo.

About the Maker(s)

Justin Kerr Sheckler

Justin Kerr Sheckler

Justin Kerr Sheckler runs Etsy's Developer API. Previously, he worked at The New York Times and In his spare time, he's a photographer.

Eric Beug

Eric Beug

Eric Beug creates original video content for Etsy's Blog. He also co-ordinates Handmade Music Night, which is a worldwide event for creators of musical instruments, put on by Etsy, Create Digital Music Online, and Make Magazine.

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