Maker Faire New York 2010


At GROUND Lab we focus on creating innovative sustainable solutions to environmental, social and humanitarian challenges.

Lion Tracking Collars for Maasai Land, Kenya:
This is a system originally developed in conjunction with the Lion Guardians initiative and the Living with Lions research group, to help save the last 2000 remaining lions in Kenya as well as the Maasai herders' pastoral livelihood. Due to a great deal of interest in the tracking platform and tools, the project has expanded its goal to create a flexible, affordable tracking platform for conservationist, small businesses, creative people and hobbyists.
The project focuses mainly on creating a tracking system that utilizes a GPS/GSM module to locate and track wildlife and livestock transmitting the data in real time via a cell network to both the researchers and the Maasai herders, through SMS text messages. In pursuit of this goal the project also involves creating an open source tool chain of tracking devices, databases, and data visualization tools that will soon be available through open documentation, a tracking API and DIY kits.

Device X for Health Clinics in Uganda:
An open source datalogging device that through simple questions can diagnose malnutrition and other health complications in children and suggest proper treatment. The device stores the information and sends it instantly to a centralized database so that it can be monitored remotely and it can finally spring immediate and more informed actions and responses. User tested in Uganda in December 2009 and developed in collaboration with UNICEF.

Web sites:, ,,

Website Video

Project photo.

About the Maker(s)


GROUND Lab is a complete research and development resource. Located in Queens, New York, GROUND Lab consists of a collaborative laboratory specializing in prototyping, open source hardware and software development, interaction design and specialty fabrication. Known for networking embedded devices with real time online visualization, GROUND Lab is focused on creating innovative sustainable solutions for environmental, social and humanitarian challenges.

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