Maker Faire Austin 2008


Carmadillo is a fire-breathing armadillo on a gocart chassis. The primary purpose of the project is entertainment, of course, and it is an excellent example of artistic metal fabrication and whimsy. It serves as a teaching example for art car builders who wish to have more than a Ford Escort with fun fur glued to it.


Project photo.

About the Maker(s)

Avram Hartman

- Undead Metals

Avi Hartman is an Austin-born and -raised sculptor, raconteur, and weirdo. His work focuses on the absurd and the whimsical, and if it doesn't cause grins to spontaneously erupt, something's wrong. His website can be found at

Website Email

CJ Anderson

CJ Anderson

CJ is an Austin-based musician/grad student and the idea man/project manager/grunt labor behind carmdillo.


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